New Construction · Horizontal Projects · Disaster Recovery · Heavy Underground Utilities · Government · Marine Construction
■ Military Construction Projects - Seasoned experience in the design, management and construction of various vertical and horizontal projects for all branches of the military throughout the gulf coast region.
■ Road and Marine Construction - Carter’s Contracting Services Inc., has completed many waterway maintenance and seawall construction projects for the last several years. With a solid background in rock hauling and roadway construction, CCSI now has added to their fleet, new specialized swamp equipment like the “marsh buggy excavators” used to clear clogged waterways and float safely when required. Among the recent horizontal division projects you will find pile driving, island repairs, haul roads, bridge repairs, marine retaining walls and high voltage underground utility projects
■ Disaster Recovery - Whether mobilizing swiftly after a hurricane to clean up storm debris or providing needed shelters for storm victims, CCSI has the proven ability to move fast and get the job done after a natural disaster. With a fleet of specialized custom-built equipment and the manpower and experience to provide disaster recovery, we are on call anytime.
■ Dredge Disposal Area Maintenance
■ Levee Construction